Specialist disinfection services for your premises
Technical Group delivers a fast response, discrete and legally compliant range of disinfection services to help protect your business against infectious bacteria, viruses and disease.
Our professional and highly qualified technicians are equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment, respiratory protective equipment, and specialist disinfection equipment to work safely and effectively.
COVID-19 disinfection services
Our specialist disinfection solutions provide businesses with an essential resource in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We offer a range of services, tailored to your needs, to support your business deal with the effects of the corona virus.
Our disinfection services.
Our range of disinfection services includes the following elements to ensure your premises is disinfected in safe, thorough, legally compliant manner.
Site survey
Guided by the site-specific risk assessment, method statement and safe operating procedures generated at the time of the survey and is carried out by a highly trained technician in full PPE and RPE.
Touch point cleaning
Cleaning and disinfection of common touch points such as handrails and door handles, to minimize the risk of microbial transfer.